Sunday, 11 February 2007

Millennium Galleries, Sheffield

Michael Brennand-Wood
The Millenium galleries are located adjacent to the Winter Gardens, in the heart of Sheffield city centre. There is a permanent metalwork collection on view as well as a series of temporary exhibitions.

The Field of Centres by Michael Brennand-Wood, one of the UK's leading textile artists. This consisted of wall panels constructed from machine embroidered flowers, built up in layers to create patterns found in early historic textiles. I really liked these from a distance, the bold dramatic colours merge into strong optical effects.

Abstraction: Extracting from the World presented new forms of abstraction in a variety of media, including digital technology, video projection, sound and smell, alongside painting, sculpture and installation. "The exhibition examines the theme of creating art through abstracting from the real world and challenges the idea that abstract art is confusing and only concerns modern painting. Abstraction demonstrates how space, line and interval have formed the most basic elements of art and how, with digital imagery and installation, it is extended into contemporary life."

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