Friday, 22 September 2006

SLIC Meeting - Kingston University

This was my first meeting as a member of SLIC - Student Landscape Insitute Council. SLIC is the student voice for the landscape profession, promoting student interests and articulating student views within the Landscape Institute. I was really keen to get involved and act as the voice for Kingston University students and become involved in the forthcoming events planned by SLIC.

* We discussed ways of making SLIC better known among both students and professionals, and ensuring there is a representative from each university.

* We decided upon a new SLIC logo which will be printed onto promotional postcards and be shown on the SLIC stand at events.

* The cityscape exhibiton have offered SLIC a central floor space of 333sqm to design a streetscene using materials, street furniture etc provided by the other exibitors, and create a place for people to relax during the event. Laura Bradley and Kate Newton designed the layout and asked the SLIC representatives for their thoughts and ideas.

The SLIC website is

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